“Pirates…and a Piglet”

            Where is the music coming from? It has to be the Grandfather Clock.
Matthew steps inside the clock and an old man, Phineas, introduces him to a fantastic world.

He makes new friends, Indi and Rascal, meets Popcorn, an amusing                 little dragon and Mr Tumblederry, a turnabout, who walks everywhere
on his hands.

They visit an Apache Indian reservation. There is a dramatic rescue
from the river. They are captured by Blackbeard and his pirates and
have to solve the clues in the treasure map.

In the real world he works on a farm and saves his favourite piglet.

The Grandfather Clock always finds its own destiny.
There are other visitors who step into the world of Serendipity in this series.

Available to order from bookshops W.H.Smiths, Waterstones and on Amazon

ISBN 978-1-4389-1512-8
Publisher    AuthorHouse    

Price from my website and publisher   £5.99
May vary on other websites


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