"The Wayward Wagon"

           A frightened kitten and a Grandfather Clock lead Ellen into the fantasy world of Serendipity.

Ellen makes new friends Roseena and Amber. She meets many colourful characters: Popcorn, an amusing little dragon; Professor Oak is the tree teacher and Rascal, a boy with cat-like features.

Phineas is a kindly old gentleman who gives Ellen the strength and confidence to stand up to the school bullies and help younger children in her school. She receives an unexpected award for her efforts.

This delightful novel, with echoes of Enid Blyton and C. S. Lewis, is set in the present time. It addresses a problem many school children face today.

This is the third in the Serendipity series.The Other End of the Rainbow, Pirates...and a Piglet

Available to order from bookshops W.H.Smiths, Waterstones and on Amazon

ISBN: 9781452032320
Publisher    AuthorHouse    

Price from my website and publisher   £5.99
May vary on other websites


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